Saturday, November 21, 2009

Jesus found me.. Well kinda

So in my line of splendid glorious work we tend to have client visits form time to time.  This requires schlepping from our office in Chelsea to usually around grand central.  Not so far you say, well think again when you have to get there on a Veterans Day Wednesday.  This means PARADE! I do love a good parade however this day I did not.  We got in the cab completely unaware of the parade still, as we keep trying to turn to get over to 2nd denied each time.  So after about an hour... yes AN HOUR (mind you I could have walked this in maybe 20 min 30 def) and passing our office again we finally get to our destination.  

We have our meeting and what not and realize we are trying to catch a cab back at 4:30 on a weekday.  For those of you that know this is dumb a and awful timing  cause it is around when cabbies are changing shifts and no one wants to really pick anyone up.  So who do they make try and hail a cab... me...  however after trying to get one, being flipped off by one driver for no reason whatsoever then having to contend with some guy who kept saying ‘I'm from Milan’ and his stupid manila envelop flag, the Jersey in me started to come out so my boss decided we would walk for a bit till we were at a 'better spot'.  Now here is where Jesus finds me... since I have gone in to a slight bitch mode I am now currently standing with my back to 42nd with my boss and his boss trying to hail a cab.  I then hear someone yelling.  I turn to see who and it is a cabby.  Is he yelling at either of the 2 people trying to get a cab, no, he is yelling at me of course.  So as much as I know this is going to be an interesting ride since he decides to stalk down the one person not trying to get a cab at the time.  Mind you he is also on the other side of the street, however it is a cab and seeming to be the only one in the area willing to pick anyone up.  So I am looking around and there are pictures EVERYWHERE.  There is also binders of random pictures that he hands us to look at and fake plastic ivy and leaves, I think they were for the ‘fall feel’. 

We find out his name is Philip Frabosilo and he starts talking normally however he still has to make up for the crazy that is his vehicle at the time.  This is where my willpower starts kicking in.  Now as much as I am not a fan of crazy people being obsessed with me most of the time, sometimes it is like a little gift from god to make my day better, this was one of those moments.  After he makes his introductions he starts talking about how he is a preacher but not in a church he preaches in random parks as well as from his cab.  Apparently he is a movie star since he was in a documentary about fishing in the river, as well as another one in which they document his 'Rolling for Jesus'.  This is where he hands us his business card and I have to pull all my willpower to not start laughing.  He is also preaching to the point about god that all three of us in the back thought he was trying to convert me.  Out of the three of us I am the obvious candidate to most likely need the saving with me being brown and all. 

 Now it is around this come to Jesus speech that I notice that there is a camera in the front of his car, a small one like a web cam kinda of camera.  I don’t care if he taped me, however I have the feeling that he will feel bad when he reviews the footage, cause I was trying not to laugh and he will either realize this or he will mistake it for me coming to terms with my religious waywardness and wanting to holla at Jesus... either way not looking so good for me.  We are slowly getting closer to our destination and we find out oh he is an INTERNATIONAL movie star as he has some infomercial in Italy and Germany and another documentary done about him.  As he is talking about his documentary about his life he feels the need to point out that a Jewish girl made it (don’t worry I was just as confused hearing it as you are reading it) and says he will give us all free copies but then never actually gives them to us and never follows up with why us knowing the religion of the filmmaker to be pertinent info.   Finally we get there and as I was waiting for the receipt to printing he tells me to have a ‘blessed, god filled day’ and finally I get out.  Granted this is not the craziest situation that has come upon me however how only I would have the Rolling for Jesus cab stumble upond me.  However we then stumbled upon the Van Leeuwen truck which I LOVE and a Cafe Americano and mini hazelnut brown butter cake makes the world right again!

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